
  1. Penalties
  2. Time of Penalties - Minor/Major/Misconduct
  3. Minor Penalty
  4. Bench Minor Penalty
  5. Major Penalties
  6. Misconduct Penalties
  7. Game Misconduct Penalties
  8. Match Penalty (Intent to Injure)
  9. Awarded Goals
  10. Penalty Shot
  11. Goaltender Penalties
  12. Delayed Penalty
  13. Calling of Penalties
Table of Contents

  1. Penalties

    1. Penalties shall be classified as follows:
      	1.  Minor	 	4.  Misconduct
      	2.  Major		5.  Match
      	3.  Bench Minor   	6.  Penalty Shot
    2. All penalties except the penalty shot shall be assessed in actual playing time.
    3. Penalties may be assessed at any time during the game when an offense is committed regardless of whether play is in progress.
    4. If an offense occurs after the conclusion of a game and before the players have left the playing surface, a penalty shall be assessed and such penalty shall be reported to the league President, Head Referee, or tournament officers.
    5. Where the rules state that the coach or manager shall designate a player to serve a penalty and the coach or manager refuses to name a player, the referee shall name any player of the offending team to serve the penalty.
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  1. Time of Penalties - Minor/Major/Misconduct

    1. The time of each penalty will vary depending on whether it's a major, minor or misconduct penalty and the length of the periods as follows:
              PERIODS        MINOR            MAJOR           MISCONDUCT
              10 minutes     1 minute         2 1/2 minutes   5 minutes
              12 minutes     1 minute         3 minutes       6 minutes
              15 minutes     1 1/2 minutes    4 minutes       8 minutes
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  1. Minor Penalty

    1. Any player, except for the goalie, given a minor penalty must sit in the penalty box for the time designated in Rule 26 with no substitute for him being allowed.
    2. If, while a team is short handed because of one or more minor or bench minor penalties, the opposing team scores a goal, the first of such penalties shall terminate automatically. If the player has received a "double minor", only the first minor penalty will terminate.
    3. "Short-handed" means one team, due to penalties received is playing with less players on the surface than its opponent at the time the goal is scored. The minor or bench minor which terminates automatically is whichever penalty caused the team scored against to be short-handed originally, thus coincidental minor penalties to both teams do NOT cause either side the be "short-handed". Note: Goals scored on a penalty shot do not apply in terminating penalties.
    4. Coincidental minor or bench minor penalties to both teams do not cause either team to be shorthanded so both penalties shall continue to be served regardless of how may goals are scored by either team.
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  1. Bench Minor Penalty

    1. A bench minor penalty requires the assessed team to play a man short in actual playing time as designated in Rule 26.
    2. The coach or manager of the penalized team, through the playing captain, shall designate any player of his team to serve the penalty. Such player will take his place in the penalty box and serve the penalty as if it were a minor penalty imposed upon him.
    3. A player in the penalty box who is to be changed after his penalty has been served must proceed by way of the playing surface and be at the player's box before any change can be made. Penalty for infraction: Bench Minor.
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  1. Major Penalties

    1. Any player receiving a major penalty must be reported to the league President, Head Referee, or tournament officers with a recommendation for possible suspension.
    2. For a major penalty in the game to a player, including the goaltender, the penalized player shall be ruled off the playing surface and assessed a game misconduct penalty. It shall be necessary to place a substitute in the penalty box immediately. The substitute will be permitted to return to the playing surface after the time of a major penalty has elapsed and a stoppage of play occurs.
    3. When a player is assessed both a minor and major penalty, the major penalty shall be served first. The substitute shall not return to the playing surface while serving any major penalty, however, if his major penalty time has elapsed, he may return on his minor penalty in accordance with Rule 26.
    4. When coincidental major penalties are imposed against players of both teams, the substitutes for the penalized players shall not leave the penalty bench until the first stoppage of play following the expiration of the respective penalties. Immediate substitutions shall be made for and equal number of major penalties to each team so penalized and the penalties of the players which substitutions have been made shall not be taken into account for the purpose of the delayed Rule 36.

      Where it is required to determine which of the penalized players shall be designated to serve the delayed penalty under Rule 36 the penalized team shall have the right to make such designation not in conflict with Rule 27.
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  1. Misconduct Penalties

    1. A player, except a goaltender, incurring a misconduct penalty, shall be ruled off the playing surface for actual playing time in accordance with Rule 27. A substitute for the penalized player shall be permitted immediately. The penalized player must go to the penalty box until his time has expired and he cannot return to his bench or the playing surface until there is a stoppage of play.
    2. When a player is assessed a minor and a misconduct penalty or a major and misconduct penalty at the same time, the penalized team shall immediately place a substitute player in the penalty box to serve the minor or place a substitute for the major and another substitute for the misconduct.
    3. A player who is assessed a second misconduct penalty in the same game shall automatically be assessed a game misconduct penalty.
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  1. Game Misconduct Penalties

    1. A player being assessed a game misconduct penalty shall not be allowed on the playing surface, nor on the players' bench and is suspended for the remainder of the game. The incident leading to the game misconduct must be reported to the league President, Head Referee, or tournament officials.
    2. A substitute for the penalized player is permitted immediately.
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  1. Match Penalty (Intent to Injure)

    1. Any manager, coach, player of member of the team incurring a match penalty shall be barred from the entire playing area including the benches and the spectator's area for the balance of the game and will not be permitted to take part in any further games until his case has been dealt with by the league President, Head Referee, or tournament officers.
    2. In every instance where a match penalty has been assessed, the offending member's team shall be assessed a major penalty which must be served by a substitute player. If injury actually occurred, a "double major" shall be served.
    3. A match penalty shall be assessed any player who deliberately attempts to injure an opponent, official, coach, manager, trainer or spectator in any manner.
    4. Any player using his stick as a weapon in an altercation or a fight or attempting to kick an opponent, shall be considered as "deliberately attempting to injure" and shall be assessed a match penalty.
    5. A substitute for the penalized player shall be permitted after the time of a major penalty has been served. The substitute must take his place in the penalty box when the penalty is assessed and cannot return to the playing surface until there is a stoppage of play.
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  1. Awarded Goals

    1. A goal will be awarded to the attacking team when the opposing team has taken it's goaltender off the playing surface and an attacking player has the ball without a defending player between himself and the opposing goal and:
    2. He is interfered with by an opposing player who has illegally entered the game.
    3. A stick or any other object is thrown by a player from the defending team either on the playing surface or on any bench.
    4. The ball carrier is fouled from behind and prevented from having a clear shot on the open goal.
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  1. Penalty Shot

    1. A penalty shot assessed by the referee shall be taken as follows:
      The referee will publicly announce the name of the player designated by him or selected by the team entitled to the shot (as appropriate) and shall then place the ball at the center face-off spot and the player taking the shot will, on the instruction of the referee, start the ball from there and shall attempt to score on the goaltender. The ball must be kept in motion towards the opponent's goal line and once it is shot, the play shall be considered complete. No goal can be scored on a rebound of any kind and any time the ball crosses the goal line, the shot shall be considered complete.
    2. The goaltender must remain in his goal crease until the ball has crossed the adjacent clearing line and, in the event of violation of this rule, the shot can be taken over again. The goaltender may attempt to stop the shot in any manner except by throwing his stick or any object, in which case a goal will be awarded.
    3. If a foul against a player leads to the penalty shot being assessed, that player shall take the penalty shot. In all other instances, the coach or manager will designate the player taking the penalty shot providing that player was on the playing surface when the call was made.
    4. If the penalty shot was awarded for falling on the ball or picking up the ball with his hand while the ball is in the goal crease, the captain will designate which player, who was on the playing surface at the time of the infraction, will take the penalty shot.
    5. While the penalty shot is being taken, players of both sides shall withdraw to the sides of the rink and beyond the blue center line. No member of an opposing team may interfere in any way with the player making the penalty shot.
    6. If a goal is scored from a penalty shot, the ball is faced-off at the center spot. If a goal is not scored, the ball is faced-off at either of the two end face-off spots where the penalty shot was tried.
    7. If the offense for which the penalty shot was awarded was such as would normally incur a minor penalty, the regardless of whether the penalty shot results in a goal or not, no minor penalty shall be served.
    8. The time required for taking penalty shot shall not be included in the regular playing time or any overtime. Should the calling of the foul be delayed by the referee for completion of the play and the game ends, the penalty shot is allowed to take place.
    9. One minute rule. If the defending team, intentionally displaces their own net with 59 seconds or less to go in the third period, then the attacking team will be awarded a penalty shot. In overtime play, if either team intentionally displaces their own net, while play is in their zone, a penalty shot shall be awarded.
    10. If the goal post is deliberately displaced by a goaltender or player during the course of a "break away" a penalty shot will be awarded to the non-offending team, which shot shall be taken by the player last in possession of the ball.
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  1. Goaltender Penalties

    1. No goaltender shall be sent to the penalty bench for an infraction which incurs a minor, major or misconduct penalty. Instead, such a penalty shall be served by any player of his team who was on the playing surface when the infraction occurred. Such player shall be designated by the manager or coach of the penalized team, through the captain or an alternate captain.
    2. Should a goaltender incur a major penalty in the game, he will be ejected.
    3. An alternate goaltender may replace a regular goaltender who has been assessed a game misconduct or a match penalty. In the event there is no alternate goaltender recorded on the playing line-up, the regular goaltender's place may be taken by any player on the game report designated by the manager or coach of the penalized team through the captain or alternate captain. Such a substitute will be allowed 5 minutes to put on the full goaltender's equipment.
    4. When a goaltender leaves his goal crease to join in a fight or altercation, or take part in another fight during the same stoppage of play, he shall receive a game misconduct penalty.
    5. When a goaltender leaves the goal crease during a fight or altercation, he shall be assessed a minor penalty, except if the fight or altercation occurs in the crease, plus any other penalties he might receive.
    6. If a goaltender participates in the play in any manner when he is beyond the center line, he shall be assessed a minor penalty.
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  1. Delayed Penalty

    1. If a third player of any team shall be penalized while two players of the same team are serving penalties, the penalty time of the third player shall not begin until the penalty time of one of the two players already penalized has elapsed. Nevertheless, the third player penalized must at once proceed to the penalty bench, but may be replaced on the playing surface by a substitute until such time as the penalty time of the penalized player shall begin.
    2. When the penalties to the player or players have expired and the penalized team is entitled to four or more players on the playing surface, the timekeeper shall permit the penalized players to return to the playing surface in the order of expiration of their penalties. When the play has been stopped, the player whose full penalty has expired may return to play.
    3. When the penalties to the player or players have expired and the penalized team is entitled to more than four players on the playing surface, the timekeeper shall permit the penalized players to return to the playing surface in the order of expiration of their penalties.
    4. When the penalties of two players of the same team expire at the same time, the captain of that team will designate to the referee which of such players will return to the playing surface first, and the referee will instruct the timekeeper accordingly.
    5. When a major and minor penalty are assessed at the same time against two different players of the same team, the timekeeper shall record the minor as being the first penalty assessed.
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  1. Calling of Penalties

    1. The referee shall blow his whistle immediately if a player on the team in possession of the ball commits an infraction of the rules which would call for a minor, major, bench minor, misconduct or match penalty and gives the penalties to the deserving players, The resulting face-off shall be where the play was stopped unless the stoppage occurred in the offending player’s attacking zone, in which case the face-off is brought back to the defensive zone adjacent to the center line.
    2. If a player on the team not in possession of the ball commits an infraction, the referee shall signify the penalty by pointing to the offending player but will allow play to continue until the offending team gains possession of the ball at which time he will blow the whistle and assess appropriate penalties.
    3. If the penalty to be assessed is a minor penalty and a goal is scored on the play by the non-offending side, the minor penalty shall not be assessed but major and match penalties shall be assessed regardless of whether a goal is scored.
    4. If further rule infractions are committed by the same offending player either before or after the referee blows his whistle, that player shall serve the penalties consecutively.
    5. A bench minor penalty shall be imposed on the team of any penalized player who does not proceed directly and immediately to the penalty box and take his place on the penalty box.
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